Iraila 2024

September 2024
Zirkular Hub Ibiltariaren altzariak dira, Mazedonia Diseinu Estudioak diseinatuak eta garatuak. Altzari modularrak egurrez egin dira bere osotasunean. ZHI eskola ibiltariaren beharrak asetzeko diseinu desmuntagarriak dira. Gainera, alboetan grabatutako grafikak erregela modura erabili daitezke.

Altzariek lantegiko dinamika errazteko garatuak izan dira. Altzarietako batean Plastikoen birziklapen lantgirako tresnak gordetzen dira: injekzio moldeak, herramientak, eskularruak eta musukoak, etab.
Beste altzaria, aldiz, ehungintza lantegirako tresnak prest daude: eskuzko ehungailuak, hariak, guraizeak, berrerabiliko diren kamisetak, etab.

Ekoizleak: Rocco Roncuzzi eta Igor Montuschi, Invention Solutions.

Zirkular Hub Ibiltaria’s mobile furniture, designed and developed by Mazedonia Design Studio. The modular furniture is entirely made of wood. Its disassemblable design meests the needs of the traveling school ZHI. Furthermore, the graphics engraved on the sides can be used as rulers.
Its design has been developed to facilitate the dynamics of the workshops. One of them stores the tools for the Plastics recycling workshop: injection molds, tools, gloves, masks, etc.
The other one contains the tools for the weaving workshop: manual looms, threads, scissors, reusable T-shirts, etc.

Producers: Rocco Roncuzzi and Igor Montuschi, Invention Solutions.

© mazedonia 2024