en/eu:We are a design studio based in the Basque Country. Our practice is focused on hands-on material experimentation throughout all the design process.
Mazedonia is a design studio based in Donostia, a Basque city in Northern Spain. The team is focused on hands-on material experimentation throughout the design process, in order to learn why materials matter and the importance of artisanal labor.
As ambassadors of the Precious Plastic community in Donostia, Mazedonia creates and leads workshops to showcase the plastic recycling process at the public city labs, sharing the creative process with the citizens.
Mazedonia is concerned about building local and global network of collaborators, willing to reinforce the design and creation with fantasy and playfulness. Some fellow partners who make Mazedonia possible are: Medialab-Tabakalera, the environmentalist boat museum Mater, Moduz Design Collective, Tecnun Engineering University, IED Kunsthal Design School; or distant friends such as Mesa 312 Cultural Lab Bangkok, Jo Chieh Huang studio (Taipei) and the global Precious Plastic community, among others.
We are a design studio based in the Basque Country. Our practice is focused on hands-on material experimentation throughout all the design process.
Mazedonia is a design studio based in Donostia, a Basque city in Northern Spain. The team is focused on hands-on material experimentation throughout the design process, in order to learn why materials matter and the importance of artisanal labor.
As ambassadors of the Precious Plastic community in Donostia, Mazedonia creates and leads workshops to showcase the plastic recycling process at the public city labs, sharing the creative process with the citizens.
Mazedonia is concerned about building local and global network of collaborators, willing to reinforce the design and creation with fantasy and playfulness. Some fellow partners who make Mazedonia possible are: Medialab-Tabakalera, the environmentalist boat museum Mater, Moduz Design Collective, Tecnun Engineering University, IED Kunsthal Design School; or distant friends such as Mesa 312 Cultural Lab Bangkok, Jo Chieh Huang studio (Taipei) and the global Precious Plastic community, among others.
Our services include:
· Design studio: product and service developmentConcept design, design for manufacturing, development of prototypes,
3D design and visualization services.
· Innovation driven circular design solutions for companies:
Circular economy systems design, research and consulting on business’ waste management and repurpose.
· Dynamization of creative workshops:Theoretical and practical workshops on sustainable design, biomaterials and Precious Plastic.
Say hi ︎ ︎︎︎ mazedonia.elkartea@gmail.com
Euskal Herrian oinarritutako diseinu estudio bat gara. Gure praktika materialen esperimentazioan zentratzen da, diseinu prozesu osoan zehar.
Mazedonia Diseinu Elkartea, diseinatzaile eta artista donostiarrek osatzen dute. Diseinu-prozesua materialen esperimentazioan zentratzen da, baliabide, tresna eta artisau-lanaren garrantzia ezagutarazteko. Donostiako Precious Plastic komunitatearen enbaxadore gisa jarduten du Medialab Tabakalera hiritar lantegietan. Bertan, Mazedoniak plastiko birziklapenaren prozesua herritarrekin partekatzen du.
Mazedonia bertako eta haratago daudenekin kolaboratzaile sarea eraikitzen ahalegintzen da, Donostian diseinuaren eta sorkuntzaren eszena fantasiaz eta ludikotasunez indartzeko prest. Mazedonia posible egiten duten lankide batzuk hauek dira: Medialab-Tabakalera, Mater ontzi ekologistaren museoa, Moduz Diseinu Elkartea, Tecnun Ingenieritza Unibertsitatea, IED Kunsthal Diseinu Eskola; edo urruneko lagunak, hala nola, Mesa 312 Cultural Lab Bangkok, Jo Chieh Huang studio (Taiwan) eta Precious Plastic Community, besteak beste.
Gure zerbitzuak:
· Diseinu estudioa: produktu eta zerbitzuen garapena
Kontzeptu diseinua, fabrikaziorako diseinua, prototipoen garapena, 3D diseinu eta bistaratze zerbitzuak
· Berrikuntza aholkularitza enpresentzako:
Ekonomia zirkularreko sistemen diseinua, enpresa hondakinen kudeaketarako ikerketa eta aholkularitza.
· Sortzailetza lantegien dinamizazioa: Diseinu jasangarria ikasteko lantegi teoriko-praktikoak, Biomaterialak eta Precious Plastic
Esan kaixo ︎ ︎︎︎ mazedonia.elkartea@gmail.com
· Diseinu estudioa: produktu eta zerbitzuen garapena
Kontzeptu diseinua, fabrikaziorako diseinua, prototipoen garapena, 3D diseinu eta bistaratze zerbitzuak
· Berrikuntza aholkularitza enpresentzako:
Ekonomia zirkularreko sistemen diseinua, enpresa hondakinen kudeaketarako ikerketa eta aholkularitza.
· Sortzailetza lantegien dinamizazioa: Diseinu jasangarria ikasteko lantegi teoriko-praktikoak, Biomaterialak eta Precious Plastic
Esan kaixo ︎ ︎︎︎ mazedonia.elkartea@gmail.com