Plastiko birziklatua, berrerabilitako oihalak
Tabakalera Medialaben egina
2022 / abian
Recycled plastic,reused fabrics
at Medialab Tabakalera
2022 / ongoing
Tabakalera Medialaben egina
2022 / abian
Recycled plastic,reused fabrics
at Medialab Tabakalera
2022 / ongoing
‘Brunch Maria Antonietterekin' Mazedoniak diseinatutako instalazioa da, ‘Manuela va de Fiesta' dendarentzat eta Kaleidoskopia ekitaldiaren barruan. Maria Antoinetteren ospakizun bikainetan eta gozoki glaseatuen oturuntzetan inspiratuta dago. Instalaziorako, plastiko birziklatuzko donuten argi-erruleta bat diseinatu da. Proiektu honek plastiko birziklatuaren espektatiba estetikoak hautsi nahi ditu, lanpara goxuak sortzeko. Gainera, 'Manuela va de Fiesta' dendarako propio haizeemaileak diseinatu dira, soinekoen erretelekin eta plastiko birziklatuarekin eginak. Eszenografia osatzeko, furoshikiak sortu dira, hauek oihalekin bildutako kaxak eta erretenak erabiltzen egin dira. Japoniako praktika tradizionala da, bilgarri berrerabilgarriaren alternatiba erakusgarri gisa. Bon appétit!
Hondakinen errebalorizazio-prozesurako, Mazedoniak Precious Plastic komunitatearen birziklatze-makinak erabili ditu, Donostiako Tabakalera lantegian. Hondarribia kaleko dendek sortutako hondakinei zirkulartasuna emateko, ‘Manuela va de Fiesta’ dendako ehun-bazterkinak eta Mazedoniako plastiko birziklatuaren ezagutzak batu ziren. Aldi hontan haizeemaileak, lanparak eta packaging soluzioak ekoizteko.
'Brunch with Marie Antoinette' is an installation in collaboration with the store 'Manuela va de fiesta' for the Kaleidoskopia event. It is inspired by the grandiose celebrations of Marie Antoinette and banquets of sweet icing. For the installation, a donut shaped light wheel made of recycled plastic was designed. A project that wants to surprise and break with the aesthetic expectations of recycled plastic to create appetizing lamps. In addition, fans have been designed expressly for the store, made with remnants of the dresses from 'Manuela va de fiesta' and also with recycled plastic. The scenery is completed with furoshikis, boxes wrapped with cloth reusing scraps. It is a traditional Japanese practice as an alternative display of reusable packaging. Bon appétit!
For the waste recovery process, Mazedonia used the Precious Plastic recycling machines in the Tabakalera workshops in San Sebastian. In order to give circularity to the waste produced by the establishments on Fuenterrabía Street, textile discards from ‘Manuela va de Fiesta’ were merged with Mazedonia's knowledge of recycled plastic for the production of fans, lamps and packaging solutions.
Hondakinen errebalorizazio-prozesurako, Mazedoniak Precious Plastic komunitatearen birziklatze-makinak erabili ditu, Donostiako Tabakalera lantegian. Hondarribia kaleko dendek sortutako hondakinei zirkulartasuna emateko, ‘Manuela va de Fiesta’ dendako ehun-bazterkinak eta Mazedoniako plastiko birziklatuaren ezagutzak batu ziren. Aldi hontan haizeemaileak, lanparak eta packaging soluzioak ekoizteko.
'Brunch with Marie Antoinette' is an installation in collaboration with the store 'Manuela va de fiesta' for the Kaleidoskopia event. It is inspired by the grandiose celebrations of Marie Antoinette and banquets of sweet icing. For the installation, a donut shaped light wheel made of recycled plastic was designed. A project that wants to surprise and break with the aesthetic expectations of recycled plastic to create appetizing lamps. In addition, fans have been designed expressly for the store, made with remnants of the dresses from 'Manuela va de fiesta' and also with recycled plastic. The scenery is completed with furoshikis, boxes wrapped with cloth reusing scraps. It is a traditional Japanese practice as an alternative display of reusable packaging. Bon appétit!
For the waste recovery process, Mazedonia used the Precious Plastic recycling machines in the Tabakalera workshops in San Sebastian. In order to give circularity to the waste produced by the establishments on Fuenterrabía Street, textile discards from ‘Manuela va de Fiesta’ were merged with Mazedonia's knowledge of recycled plastic for the production of fans, lamps and packaging solutions.